Sunday, February 3, 2008

Cell phones in schools?

Everyone is probably going to wonder why I am posting about technology in schools, which was discussed over a week ago. The reason is that my computer completely crashed, and so I am trying to catch up with what I would like to post.

Here's a link discussing how teachers and administrators want to use cell phones in schools.

This class discussion on using cell phones in class really got to me. How could they start using cell phones in the classrooms after reprimanding it for so many years? I can remember in high school students getting their phones taken from them or getting detention because they would be receiving phone calls or texting someone else during class. Cell phones were the biggest problem in schools and still are today. There are many professors today that make a very big deal about having a cell phone in class or even seeing it out.

My opinion is that I really do not think it is going to work. How can they have students use cell phones for essays or tests? The student will have everything in the palm of their hand from a copy of an essay from the internet to the answers to a quiz. A teacher or professor can not stop the students usage of their cell phone. Being so small, they can do anything, and not get in trouble because the teachers are "allowing" cell phones in the classrooms. If the students are given permission to use their cell phones during class for a lesson, how can you be so sure they are focusing on the lesson? They are probably texting their friend in another class room or surfing the internet. Cell phones just don't seem like a very bright idea. There is a reason why teachers do not allow them, it's a distraction and not effective.


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