Monday, February 25, 2008

Security in Schools

After experiencing the lockdown on Wednesday, it really got me thinking how the school administrators and faculty handled it. As a future teacher, this may happen at a school I teach at. What would I do? This time I was the student, and for the first 30 minutes, I will admit, I was scared. But when you are the teacher, you are responsible to stay calm and let your students know what to do. I would need to know what to do to make sure my students are safe, and that is a very big responsibility, probably one that many people do not think of. I'm sitting here, and I am really thinking of this. It is very scary. As scared as I may be during a situation like this, I need to stay calm for my students. I can't panic because I will have a classroom of students.
Saint Peter's College did an excellent job with the situation on Wednesday. After realizing what was going on, I felt very safe and secure. I'm sure as nervous as it may be to be in a situation like that, the school I will be in, as well as my classroom, will have good guidelines to follow. Although the school will have rules and guidelines, I will make sure my classroom has the right guidelines to follow during a situation or procedure like that.

1 comment:

mfatouros said...

my post was very similar; i'm sure almost everyone posted about this. security is a huge issue in our country nowadays and its a shame that our schools are now being affected by the horrors of terrorism. Makes us question if we should be teachers, then again, its just as safe in the schools as it is everywhere else.